Crash Test Aftermath - The Rise of KANGHYUK
KANGHYUK came under the international spotlight last year after being named one of the nominees for the prestigious LVMH Prize, but the South Korean brand helmed by Kanghyuk Choi and Sanglak Shon has been on the radar of industry insiders before that. Kanghyuk Choi's celebrated graduation project at the Royal College of Art served as the blueprint of the brand as we know today, and heavyweight endorsements from celebrities like A$AP Rocky and high-profile sneaker collaborations with Reebok elevated their prominence further.
The art sense and skilled tailoring of the two designers combined earned the duo a place as one of the top 20 finalists for the 2019 LVMH Prize. With the increased visibility, Kanghyuk Choi and Sanglak Shon are expanding their sights to doing exhibitions and installations to showcase their creativity, as well as to develop more expansive collections. While the brand has evolved considerably since its inception as a piece of student work, and both designers have made an effort to cater to a broader audience with their avant-garde pieces, while they continue to strive for extreme balance in both their conceptual garments and ready-to-wear capsules.
The incorporation of salvaged airbags remains a staple of the brand's offering, and their latest SS20 series is no different. Find traces of these dissected vehicle remnants in the curated list of items from KANGHYUK online at JUICE now.